What a great opportunity to meet some new parents and spread the word of my blog. And sow some seeds of discontent as well, I have to be true to my people and be a catty gay on occasion!
I was more excited about last years visit to school but I am impressed that my son knows his trapazoids and wide rhombuses at this age, this is stuff that will serve him well in later years!
Theres not much else today, I have been under the weather for a few days and do highly recommend Black Elderberry to one and all as a cure all. It lessens my colds more than anything else I have tried. I get mine as Samubucus at the Vitamin Shoppe and my son gets Sambucol from CVS (it was on sale so i bought 8 of them!) For those interested I do also take garlic, oregano, and golden seal with echinacea. Western medicine doesn’t know everything!
After school was 2 hours of Hebrew School, my son started last year, I had to get him in before my spouse got him, I am the mom after all. I may have wrote about this already, too bad, I am over 50 now. He gets several bribes so he doesn’t complain about this extra 2 hours of schooling, I am not above treachery!
Anonymous says
OK seriously now…poll the parents and find out how many know what a rhombus and an trapazoid is, and who is he going to be able to utilze this in the future!!! I still have no use for it?!!!
Fresh ginger, lemon and honey tea is also a great cure…helped me….just passing it on…